Skill aquisition 4.5 / 5 based on 9 ratings ? Physical EducationAcquiring movement skillsASAQA Created by: Courtni LawrenceCreated on: 30-11-12 19:26 A skill that isn't affected by the environment. Closed skill 1 of 9 A skill done by small muscle movements Fine skill 2 of 9 A sequence of discrete skills Serial skill 3 of 9 When the performer controls the rate of execution Self-paced skill 4 of 9 A skill that is affected by the environment. Open skill 5 of 9 Has a clear beginning and ending Discrete skill 6 of 9 When the performer has no control over the rate of execution Externally paced skill 7 of 9 A skill that has no clear beginning or ending Continuous skill 8 of 9 A skill done by large muscle movements Gross skill 9 of 9
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