Selecting which response you should use to respond to a certain stimuli.
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What are the two types of reaction time?
Simple and choice reaction.
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What is a "simple reaction time"?
The reaction to one stimulus.
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What is a "choice reaction time"?
When there are a number of stimuli to choose from before we perform.
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What's the equation for response time?
Response time = movement time + reaction time
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What is response time?
The time it takes from the onset of the stimuli to the end of the movement.
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What is movement time?
The time taken from the initiation of the movement to the completion.
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What is reaction time?
The time taken from the onset of the stimuli to the initiation of the movement.
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What are the four processes in reaction time?
Receiving the information, coding the information, making the decision, and initiating the movement.
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What affects reaction time?
Lack of knowledge, intensity, anticipation, age, gender, alcohol, drugs, number of stimuli.
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What is Hick's Law?
The more stimuli the performer has to react to, the slower their reaction time.
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How can reaction time be improved?
Relevant practice, highlight key cues, mental rehearsal, intensity of the stimuli.
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What is the Single Channel Hypothesis?
You can only react to one stimuli at a time, meaning you have to wait for the first one to be processed before processing the second one.
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What does PRP stand for?
Psychological Refractory Period
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What is the psychological refractory period?
The delay between the processing of two stimuli in close succession.
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How can a performer make use of the PRP?
They can use dummies.
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What is a dummy?
When a player pretends to go one way, however quickly change direction causing the opponent to process the first direction before going the way of the player.
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What must you take into account when performing a dummy?
Make sure they are close together, however not too close otherwise they wont process the first one. It also has to realistic.
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What are the two types of anticipation?
Spatial and Temporal
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What is Temporal Anticipation?
When a performer knows what is going to happen but not sure when.
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What is Spatial Anticipation?
When a performer can predict what is actually happening before it happens.
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What is open loop control?
It has a clear beginning and end. Is performed very quickly and allows no room for feedback.
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What is a motor programme?
A generalised series of movements stored in the long term memory. They are developed through practice and past experiences.
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What are some advantages of motor programmes?
Reaction times are quick. Skills become habitual. One stimulus can trigger an entire programme.
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How can we develop motor programmes?
Relevant practice, concentration, motivation, knowledge, sub-routines and feedback.
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What's a sub routine?
A sequence of movements which are performed automatically.
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What is closed loop control?
It allows feedback, and the detection of errors and correction to maintain the desired goal.
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Give an example of open loop control.
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Give an example of closed loop control.
A football match.
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What is selective attention?
Taking in information from the display, discarding all irrelevant information and passing all relevant information into the short term memory.
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