Skeletal System 5.0 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? Physical EducationSkeletal system - bones and jointsGCSEEdexcel Created by: StephanieCreated on: 12-06-15 11:55 Function 1 of the skeletal system Support 1 of 10 Function 2 of the skeletal system Protection 2 of 10 Function 3 of the skeletal system Movement 3 of 10 This bone protects our brain Cranium 4 of 10 These bones protect our heart, lungs and liver Ribs 5 of 10 Attach bones to muscle Tendons 6 of 10 Pointing your toes in gymnastics in a example of a ...... sporting movement Fine 7 of 10 Kicking a football is an example of a ...... sporting movement Coarse 8 of 10 Protects your spinal chord Vetebral Column 9 of 10 When 2 bones meet they form a ....... Joint 10 of 10
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