skeletal system 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationSkeletal system - bones and jointsGCSEEdexcel Created by: charlottezoeCreated on: 22-12-17 12:58 what bone is in the upper arm, connected to the shoulder? humerus 1 of 8 what is the correct name for the breastbone? sternum 2 of 8 where are the carpels located? wrist 3 of 8 what is a long bone? long bones are used to assist movements 4 of 8 what type of bone is defined by - ________ are used to support the weight of the body? short bones 5 of 8 what type of joint is the wrist joint? condyloid 6 of 8 name a part of the body that has a hinge joint ankle 7 of 8 does a ball and socket joint allow all types of movement? yes 8 of 8
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