Services and the Media 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GermanMedia and cultureGCSEAQA Created by: JasminCreated on: 02-04-13 14:57 der Brief letter 1 of 17 schicken to send 2 of 17 besetzt engaged 3 of 17 versuchen to try 4 of 17 das Bargeld cash 5 of 17 verlieren to lose 6 of 17 die Tasche bag 7 of 17 zuruckgeben to give back 8 of 17 erstaunt astonished 9 of 17 uberrascht suprised 10 of 17 beruhmt famous 11 of 17 die Zeitschrift magazine 12 of 17 die Zeitung newspaper 13 of 17 vorziehen to prefer 14 of 17 die Nachrichten news 15 of 17 schlimm awful 16 of 17 lacherlich ridiculous 17 of 17
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