Semantics and Lexis 0.0 / 5 ? English Language & LiteratureLinguistic GlossaryA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: theepitomeofhenchnessCreated on: 02-10-17 14:14 Semantic Fields Groups of words connected by a shared meaning 1 of 10 Figurative Language Language is used in a non-literal way in order to describe something in another's terms 2 of 10 Synonyms Words that have equivalent meanings 3 of 10 Antonynms Words that have contrasting meanings 4 of 10 Hypernyms Words whose meanings contain something else (people contains different races) 5 of 10 Hyponyms Words that can be included in a larger and more general category (cars and buses are both forms of transport) 6 of 10 Levels of formality Vocabulary styles such as slang, colloquial and formal 7 of 10 Jargon Vocabulary associated with a certain topic 8 of 10 Neology The process of new word formation (blends, compounds, acronyms) 9 of 10 Semantic Change The process of words changing their meanings 10 of 10
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