Selected Poems from Christina Rossetti OCR
3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings
- Created by: JackDo77
- Created on: 06-05-17 11:20
What are the three lines of Rossetti's 'Song: when I am dead my dearest' that are to do with senses?
"I shall not see" "I shall not feel" "I shall not hear"
1 of 48
What does the protagonist not want the reader to do when she dies? from Song-WIADMD
"sing no sad song for me;"
2 of 48
What are the two last lines of Song - WIADMD and what is their significance?
"Haply I may remember, And haply I may forget". The words remember are contradicting and same last word at the end of first and second stanza
3 of 48
What quote in Song WIAMDMD implies a season and what does is the significance of the implication?
"Green grass" connotes life. saying that the protagonist wants the reader to be the last form of life she sees before she passes away.
4 of 48
How many lines does Remember have and what makes this significant?
14 lines = sonnet
5 of 48
In the last line of Remember, the protagonist wants the reader to?
not feel sadness for the protagonists death and would rather that he / she was happy and forgot about the desist than remember the desist and be sad
6 of 48
What are the last two lines of Remember?
"Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad"
7 of 48
What is the rhyme scheme of From the Antique?
8 of 48
What is the message of From the Antique trying to get across? and when was the poem written?
that life is miserable for women during the 1850's (written 1854) due to male social standing over women. women seen as inferior to men.
9 of 48
What quote from From the Antique mentions that the protagonist wants to be a man?
"I wish and I wish I were a man"
10 of 48
What quote implies that if she changed it wouldn't make a difference and what does this imply?
"Still the world would wag on the same" and it suggests that because there is only one of her that isn't enough to change the world. Feels weak?
11 of 48
What is the significance of the quote "Doubly blank"? in From the Antique?
suggests that women's lives don't only lack meaning, but they are completely empty and worthless.
12 of 48
What is the significance of the title Echo?
Implies a memory coming back (recurring?)
13 of 48
What word is repeated as a triplet in the first three lines of Echo and what is the significance?
"Come". Significance = repetition - reinforces urgency of the protagonist to the reader
14 of 48
What is the first line of Echo and what is the significance?
"Come to me in the silence of the night" implies death - coming to the protagonist's dreams or memories
15 of 48
What is the implication of "paradise" in Echo?
16 of 48
What is the rhyme scheme used in the poem Shut Out?
17 of 48
What is the religious theory is Shut Out based upon?
The Garden of Eden
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what quote metions that there is no way of looking through the wall in Shut Out
"left no loophole"
19 of 48
what does the word "violet" symbolise in the poem Shut Out?
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What connotations does the phrase Shut Out have?
trapped on the outside of somewhere. excluded
21 of 48
What was the quote used by the protagonist in Shut Out to show that her garden and been taken from her and there was no way of getting it back
"It had been mine, and it was lost"
22 of 48
What is the significance of the time period that In The Round Tower At Jhansi?
set on June 8th 1857 (The Indian Mutiny)
23 of 48
What happens at the end of ITRTAJ?
the man kills his partner and them himself due to the fact they would have been slaughtered by the Indians anyway
24 of 48
What quote in the poem ITRTAJ that indicates to the reader that the people trapped in the tower are white?
"Skene looked at his pale young wife"
25 of 48
What quote indicates to the reader that the protagonists are going to die in ITRTAJ?
"Will it hurt much?"
26 of 48
What quote from ITRTAJ signals to the reader that the moments in the tower will be their last?
"Thus to kiss and die"
27 of 48
What is the main theme between women in Maude Clare?
female rivalry
28 of 48
finish the quote from Maude Clare "Here's my half...
...of the golden chain you wore about your neck"
29 of 48
What three things did Maude Clare's gift bless in Maude Clare?
"the hearth" "the board" and "the marriage-bed"
30 of 48
What are the connotations for waded ankle-deep for lilies in the beck"?
flirtacious (removal of clothes) romantic?
31 of 48
What are the last two lines of Maude Clare?
"I'll love him til he loves me best, Me best of all, Maude Clare."
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What is the rhyme scheme of Up-Hill and what is the significance?
ABAB rhyme scheme and it means that each speaker is given a different voice.
33 of 48
How is punctuation in Up-Hill used to differenciate the diffeence between two speakers?
'?' used to show one speaker ansking all the questions and anothe speaker answering them.
34 of 48
What is the protagonist looking for on the way up the hill in Up-Hill? (use exact quote)
"is there for the night a resting-place?"
35 of 48
What organ in the body is A Birthday repetitively compared to?
the heart
36 of 48
What is the rhyme scheme of A Birthday and what is the significance? (traditional target audience?)
ABAB alternating rhyming lines (similar to a nursery rhyme)
37 of 48
What last line is repeated in both stanzas of A Birthday?
"Because my love is come for me"
38 of 48
The protagonists heart is compared to several different things in A Birthday; for example, A singing bird and a rainbow shell. What may this symbolise?
she has a heart of good. purity?
39 of 48
What is the main message of A Birthday Rossetti is trying to get across to the reader?
That the true day someone is born is the day they fall in love.
40 of 48
What is the gist of No, Thank You, John?
that the protagonist doesn't love John but she still wants them to be friends.
41 of 48
What does the quote "I'd rather say no to fifty Johns than answer yes to you" mean from No, Thank You, John?
it means that she would rather be honest to John than string him along
42 of 48
Although the protagonist doesn't want to be with John anymore what does she want for the both of them? (use exact quote)
"Lets strike hands as hearty friends; no more, no less"
43 of 48
What quote from Good Friday has religious connotations?
"Christ, beneath Thy Cross"
44 of 48
What is the religious connotations of the title of the poem "Good Friday
Good Friday represents Jesus's sacrificing himself to save humanity in the Bible.
45 of 48
In the Poem Twice what sentence in the first stanza implies that men are of a higher social status than women (also implies that women aren't as smart as men)
"Yet a women's words are weak"
46 of 48
What does the protagonist do in the poem Twice when her heart is broken by her lover?
She falls in love with God. (what relevance does this have to Christina Rossetti's background?)
47 of 48
What from the poem Twice suggests that the protagonist is not ready to be with the male figure? (use exact quote)
"It is still not ripe" the word "It" is also quite objectifying of women too.
48 of 48
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What does the protagonist not want the reader to do when she dies? from Song-WIADMD
"sing no sad song for me;"
Card 3
What are the two last lines of Song - WIADMD and what is their significance?

Card 4
What quote in Song WIAMDMD implies a season and what does is the significance of the implication?

Card 5
How many lines does Remember have and what makes this significant?

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