Secularisation 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? SociologyReligion and beliefsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: em123Created on: 27-05-13 19:41 What is insitituional secularisation? fewer people tend church 1 of 9 What is personal secularisation Religion losing its personal meaning, e.g. fewer people married in churches 2 of 9 How many Christians is there world wide? 2 billion 3 of 9 Who saw science as a factor behind secularisation? Weber 4 of 9 What is the golden age? times of religious beliefs 5 of 9 Who said the church still has a indirect influene on society? Parsons 6 of 9 What out the following is not a factor behind secuarlisation? Believing but not belonging 7 of 9 Who conducted a study into religions becoming more private? Davie 8 of 9 Who said secularisation is due to the disengagment from the church? Martin 9 of 9
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