Se plaindre au restaurant - Restaurant review 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyLifestyleGCSEEdexcel Created by: alexdakotaCreated on: 04-05-15 20:36 bouteille bottle 1 of 13 steak-frites steak and chips 2 of 13 demander l'addition to ask for the bill 3 of 13 dîner to have dinner 4 of 13 revenir to return 5 of 13 cher/chère expensive 6 of 13 serveur/serveuse waiter/waitress 7 of 13 commander to order 8 of 13 choisir to choose 9 of 13 réserver un table reserve a table 10 of 13 vin rouge/blanc red/white wine 11 of 13 froid cold 12 of 13 chaud hot 13 of 13