Droplets containing microbes fly into the air when people sneeze or cough, those microbes then get breathed in by other people
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Chicken pox, colds, flu, measles and tuberculosis
Spread in air when people breathe the microbes in
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They can carry harmful microbes and if a person or other animal is bitten or scratched they can too catch the disease
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a Tropical disease spread by tiny Mosquitoes
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It can have many microbes in or on it and if a person eats it they will travel and infect inside the body
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Food poisining
can happen due to under-cooking or careless handling of food
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Microbes can be passed from one person to another just by touching them or touching something an infected person has handled. Disinfectants are used to clean surfaces and kill bacteria on them.
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Athletes foot
a condition caused by touch, which is given antiseptics to solve
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It can contain microbes in it which are swallowed and took into the body where they can cause infection
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a disease caused by drinking water that contains bacterium, to stop the bacteria from spreading the water is either boiled or chlorine is added to it
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Spread in air when people breathe the microbes in
Chicken pox, colds, flu, measles and tuberculosis
Card 3
They can carry harmful microbes and if a person or other animal is bitten or scratched they can too catch the disease
Card 4
a Tropical disease spread by tiny Mosquitoes
Card 5
It can have many microbes in or on it and if a person eats it they will travel and infect inside the body
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