science b4 revision
5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: kirsty
- Created on: 16-05-13 18:21
what is zonation?
zonation is the gradual change in the distribution of species across a habitat
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whats a quadrat?
this is a small number of habitats
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whats a pitfall trap?
this is traps for small animals like insects
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whats a transect line?
a string on the ground between two poles as a guide for a sampling method for measuring distribution
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whats a pooter?
this is a device to help transfer and collect small prey
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whats a habitat?
this is a collection of conditions that detect a place something should live.
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whats an eco-system?
this is a complex set of relationships among living resources
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whats the difference between natural ecosystems and artifical eco-systems?
the natural ones are naturally made and the artificial ones are man made
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whats a population?
this is a group of organisms, of the same species living together in an area
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whats a community?
this is a group of interacting or potentially interacting species living in the same area
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whats biodiversity?
this is the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem
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what does a kite diagram do?
allows you to plot results of a transect line to map the distribution of organisms in an area
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whats photosynthesis?
this is light energy being used to split water into oxygen and gas and hydrogen ions, for then carbon dioxide gas mix with the hydrogen ions to make glucose and water
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why do we see leaves as green?
this is because chlorophyll absorbs certain wave lengths of light within the visible light spectrum. however with green light not absorbed but instead reflected it makes the plant appear green.
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what are found in vascular bundles?
xylem and phloem vessels
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what do xylem vessels transport?
they transport water and minerals from the roots to the shoot and leaf
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what do phloem transport?
they transport food substances up and down the stem, growing and storing tissue
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what is translocation?
the movement of waters and sugars in the phloem
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what is transpiration?
this is the evaporation of water molecules at the leaves causing water to be pulled up through the xylem
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whats a stomato?
these are the holes that let in and out gases, the pores are found on the underside of leaves
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what do plants need for photosynthesis?
carbon dioxide and water
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what are the minerals needed by plants?
nitrogen, phosphorus, pottassium, magnesium
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how does water enter the plant?
it enters through the root cells using osmosis process
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what is active transport?
this allows minerals in the soil in low concentrations to enter root hairs already containing higher amounts of minerals, so active transport is mineral uptake
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what is meant by the term decay?
this is when plants and animals die, and so their bodies break down tot hen be recycled and used for living plants
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what causes decay?
microorganism cause decay such as bacteria and funghi
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what biogradable ?
these are chemicals that can be broken down by microoganims
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what are decomposers?
these are organisms that cause decay
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what are detritvores?
these are larger organims feeding on biomatter
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what are good conditions for microorganisms?
lots of water and oxygen, and a suitable temperautre all speed up the process of decaying
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what is poor plant growth caused by?
mineral deficiencies
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whats ionic bonding?
metal to non metal- electronic structure
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whats covalent bonding?
non metal to non metal- sharing electrons
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whats metallic bonding?
metal to metal- the sea of electrons
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whats diffusion?
diffusion is the net movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration .
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whats osmosis?
this is the net movement on water from a high to low water concentration across a partially permeable membrane
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whats a particially permeable membrane?
this is a membrane that has small holes to only let certain substances through
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whats turgor pressure?
this ios whent he contents of the cell pushes against the cell wall and with loss of pressure they become flaccid
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how are leaves adapted to photosynthesis?
they have a large surface area, are thin, contain pigments and have vascular bundles and guard cells.
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whats the transpiratiojn stages?
1)water evaporates through stomota 2)water passes back into the leaf through the xylem vessel by osmosis 3)the water is then pulled upwards through the xylem tissue 4)this is replaced by water entering from the root tissue 5)water enters root hair ce
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
whats a quadrat?
this is a small number of habitats
Card 3
whats a pitfall trap?

Card 4
whats a transect line?

Card 5
whats a pooter?

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