Science 0.0 / 5 ? FunFunNone Created by: Oia TitzgeraldCreated on: 05-05-14 13:19 An object at rest on top of a shelf is likely to have gravitational potential energy. 1 of 16 Batteries are stores of chemical energy 2 of 16 Energy is usefully transferred from a personal audio player as sound energy. 3 of 16 Which is likely to contain the most thermal energy? A red hot horseshoe has large mass and high temperature. The spark has a very small mass, so not so much thermal energy. 4 of 16 Which ways to transfer thermal energy rely on moving particles of solids, liquids and gases? Conduction and convection rely on moving particles of solids, liquids and gases. 5 of 16 Thermal energy is transferred by conduction from Thermal energy is transferred from the hot end to the cold end 6 of 16 Where did the energy stored in fossil fuels originally come from? The energy stored in fossil fuels originally came from sunlight. 7 of 16 What is an advantage of wind power? One advantage of windpower is that it is a renewable energy resource 8 of 16 What do two poles of the same type do when they are brought close together? Two poles of the same type repel when brought close together. 9 of 16 What do two unlike poles do when they are brought close together? Two unlike poles attact when brought close together. 10 of 16 The arrow on magnetic field lines shows them flowing in which direction? The field lines go from north to south. 11 of 16 Where are the field lines most concentrated around a bar magnet? For a bar magnet, the field lines are most concentrated at both poles. 12 of 16 How can we increase the strength of an electromagnet? The strength of an electromagnet could be increased by adding an iron core. 13 of 16 What is one difference between electromagnets and bar magnets? Electromagnets need electricity, but bar magnets do not 14 of 16 What can we use to find the shape of a magnetic field? A compass can be used to find the shape of a magnetic field. 15 of 16 What is NOT true about energy saving light bulbs? Energy saving lightbulbs are not brighter than normal bulbs. 16 of 16
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