Because it keeps us healthy by helping food move through the intestines and preventing constipation.
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How can you test for starch
add two drops of iodine solution, if there is starch it will turn a blue-black colour.
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How can you test for protein
Place a food sample in a test tube to a depth of about 1cm, then add five drops of biuret solution.If there is a purple colour within a few minutes then it is protein.
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What happens if the carbohydrates you eat are not all used up.
They may then turn into fat.
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What is the process that releases energy from food called
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What happens as your cells respire
The enegy is transferred
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Which nutrient is most important for growth and repair
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what is iron(vitamin) used for
Making red blood cells
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What can people who eat too little or too much nutrients suffer from
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What can happen to people who lack a nutrient for too long
it can cause Deficiency diseases
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What is the most severe form of malnutrition
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What process breaks down the nutrients in our body to smaller ones(if they are too big)
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