mixed easy science quiz 3.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? FunFunFunNone Created by: Hollie02Created on: 05-08-15 20:43 what is the name of the chemical that changes colour when mixed with acids or alkalis indicator 1 of 9 what is acid on the pH scale pH1-pH6 2 of 9 what is chromatography A way of separating 2 liquids 3 of 9 What is respiration breathing 4 of 9 what is excretion waste 5 of 9 what does an animal cell have on the outside layer cell membrane 6 of 9 what controls everything in a cell The nucleus 7 of 9 what is adaption Something that helps things survive 8 of 9 what is an organ made up of loads of different tissues 9 of 9
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