Science Chemistry 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryChemistry International BaccalaureateOther Created by: LachieDaviesCreated on: 23-10-15 05:14 What is matter composed of? All matter is composed of matter and has mass 1 of 17 What is an Element? Substance made up of only 1 type of atom 2 of 17 What is a Compound A compound is a molecule made of atoms from different elements 3 of 17 What is a molecule? A group of atoms bonded together 4 of 17 What is a mixture? o made up of two or more different substances which are mixed but are not combined chemically. 5 of 17 What happens in a chemical reaction In a chemical reaction a new substance is formed. However mass is not created or destroyed 6 of 17 What is a Combustion reaction? a chemical reaction that involves the rapid combination of a fuel with oxygen 7 of 17 What is a Corrosion reaction? A process in which a solid, for example metal, is eaten away and changed by a chemical action. (rust) 8 of 17 What is a precipitation reaction? Occurs when two soluble compounds react to form an insoluble compound suspended in a liquid. 9 of 17 What is a Neutralisation reaction? Is a chemical reaction in which an acid and base react quantitatively with each other. 10 of 17 What is a decomposition reaction? A complex molecule breaks down to make simpler ones 11 of 17 What is the word equation for a chemical reaction between Magnesium and Oxygen producing magnesium oxide Magnesium + Oxygen = Magnesium Oxide 12 of 17 What is an exothermic reaction? when energy is released in the form of heat 13 of 17 What is an Endothermic reaction when heat is absorbed. 14 of 17 What is respiration? is where our bodies use glucose reacted with oxygen which gives us carbon dioxide + water. It occurs slowly. Respiration also creates an oxide 15 of 17 What is the impact of a Catalyst Speeds up the reaction 16 of 17 What are considerations when scientific research is conducted? Social, Ethical, Environmental 17 of 17
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