school subject french module 3 0.0 / 5 ? FunFunFunNone Created by: lottiellamaCreated on: 25-01-17 14:32 les matières Subjects 1 of 15 l'allemand German 2 of 15 l'anglais English 3 of 15 le dessin Art 4 of 15 l'EPS PE 5 of 15 l'espagnol Spanish 6 of 15 le français French 7 of 15 l'histoire History 8 of 15 la géographie Geography 9 of 15 l'informatique IT 10 of 15 l'instruction civique PSCHE 11 of 15 l'instruction religieuse RE 12 of 15 les langues vivantes MFL 13 of 15 les sciences Science 14 of 15 la technologie DT 15 of 15
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