Schizophrenia - SS1 - Validity of Diagnostic Criteria - Research 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologySchizophreniaA2/A-levelAQA Created by: melissaellis96Created on: 05-06-14 19:22 Which psychologists supports the validity of the diagnostic criteria? Hollis 1 of 11 What did Hollis find when applying patient case notes of 93 cases of early onset schizophrenia to DSM classification diagnoses? The diagnosis had high stability 2 of 11 What is comorbidity? The idea that a patient has overlapping symptoms and may be suffering from 2 disorders at the same time 3 of 11 Who supports it? Sim et al 4 of 11 What did Sim et al find when studying 142 patients? 32% also had another disorder 5 of 11 What does the Schizotypy Questionnaire indicate? The risk of psychosis on a scale 6 of 11 Who developed the Schizotypy Questionnaire to suggest a continuity approach? Chapman et al 7 of 11 What did Chaoman et al find? High scores on the questionnaire mean there is an increased risk of developing schizophrenia 8 of 11 How do categories help, even though it is hard to categorise people with schizophrenia as of the range of symptoms? They make diagnosis easier - can say they have schizophrenia or not 9 of 11 What is a further problem with diagnosing schizophrenia? Diagnosis can be subjective - different psychiatrists may diagnose differently 10 of 11 How has the DSM changed? Began in 1952 and is constantly being updated & reviewed and now more standardised = more knowledgeable and skilled today 11 of 11
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