SCENE 4: Rhinoceros script line cues
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- Created by: emullins
- Created on: 20-06-17 17:32
BERENGER: Open then, if you want to!
Morning, Mr Dudard.
1 of 69
DUDARD: Oh, it's you, Miss Daisy.
Is Berenger here, is he any better?
2 of 69
DUDARD: How nice to see you, my dear. Do you often visit Berenger?
Where is he?
3 of 69
DUDARD: There.
He's all on his own, poor thing. And he's not very well at the moment, somebody has to give him a hand.
4 of 69
DUDARD: You're a good friend, Miss Daisy.
That's just what I am, a good friend.
5 of 69
BERENGER: Did you know, Miss Daisy, that the Logician is a rhinoceros?
Yes, I did. I caught sight of him in the street as I arrived. Are you feeling any better, Mr Berenger?
6 of 69
BERENGER: My head's still bad! Isn't it frightful? What do you think about i?
I think you ought to be should take things quietly for a few more days.
7 of 69
BERENGER: I meant about the Logician...
(to Dudard) Why should you be? (to Berenger) Oh, about the Logician? I don't think anything at all!
8 of 69
DUDARD: I thought I might be in the way!
(to Berenger) What do you expect me to think? (to Both) I've got some news for you: Botard's a rhinoceros!
9 of 69
DUDARD: That is so.
What he said was: we must move with the times! Those were his last human words.
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DUDARD: Impossible to find you anywhere else, since the office is closed.
If you wanted to see me, you only had to telephone.
11 of 69
DUDARD: Oh you know me, Miss Daisy, I'm discretion itself.
Do you mind if I put this basket on the table? I've brought some food.
12 of 69
DUDARD: Very kind indeed.
(to DUDARD) Would you care to stay with us?
13 of 69
DUDARD: I don't want to be a nuisance.
Whatever do you mean, Mr Dudard? You know very well we'd love you to stay.
14 of 69
BERENGER: Shall I help you lay the table?
No, don't bother. I know where the plates are.
15 of 69
DUDARD: She's obviously very familiar wit the place...
(to Dudard) I'm laying for three - all right? You are staying with us?
16 of 69
BERENGER: Yes, of course. You're staying.
You get used to it, you know. Nobody seems surprised any more to see herds of rhinoceroses galloping through the streets. They just stand aside. and then carry on as if nothing had happened.
17 of 69
BERENGER: Well I can't get used to it.
Let's hurry up and eat. We won't pay any attention to them.
18 of 69
BERENGER: They've demolished the wall of the Fire Station.
Come and eat, my dear. That'll calm you down. You'll feel better afterwards. (to Dudard) And you, too.
19 of 69
BERENGER: You musn't do that! Think of the risk!
Of course if you really don't want to stay, we can't force you...
20 of 69
BERENGER: Don't let him go, he musn't go.
I'd like him to stay...but people must do as they please.
21 of 69
DUDARD: I didn't say he wasn't. But I'm not with you absolutely either. I don't know; only experience can tell.
(softly) We shall miss you a lot, Dudard, but we can't do anything about it.
22 of 69
DUDARD: ...I won't abandon them.
He's very good-hearted.
23 of 69
BERENGER: He's too good-hearted. Don't let him go. He's making a mistake. He's human.
What can I do?
24 of 69
BERENGER: ...We're fond of you, don't go! Too late.
We couldn't do anything.
25 of 69
BERENGER: He's joined up with them. Where is he now?
With them.
26 of 69
BERENGER: Which one is he?
You can't tell. You can't recognise him anymore.
27 of 69
BERENGER: ...There's nothing you regret?
No, no.
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BERENGER: I want to so much to be a comfort to you. I love you, Daisy; don't ever leave me.
Shut the window, darling. They're making such a noise. And the dust is rising even up to here. Everything will get filthy.
29 of 69
BERENGER: ...I never dreamed I could feel such tremendous emotion!
You must be more calm and more sure of yourself, now.
30 of 69
BERENGER: I am: let me kiss you.
I'm very tired, dear. Stay quiet and rest yourself. (She sits him down.) Have you been good today? You have't had any brandy?
31 of 69
BERENGER: Oh yes, I've been good.
Is that the truth?
32 of 69
BERENGER: Yes, it's the truth I assure you.
Well all right then, you can have a little glass. It'll buck you up. Here you are. That's your reward.
33 of 69
BERENGER: Thank you. (He holds up his empty glass to her)
Oh no, dear. That's enough for this morning. (returning the glass.) How's your head feel now?
34 of 69
BERENGER: Much better, darling.
Then we'll take off the bandage. It doesn't suit you at all.
35 of 69
BERENGER: I'm frightened there might be something underneath.
Always frightened aren't you, always imagining the worst! There's nothing there you see. You're forehead's as smooth as a baby's (She kisses his forehead)
36 of 69
BERENGER: What should I do without you?
I'll never leave you alone again.
37 of 69
BERENGER: And no one will ever separate us. Our love is the only thing that's real. Nobody has the right to stop us from being happy - in fact, nobody could, could they? Who could that be?
(fearful) Don't answer.
38 of 69
BERENGER: Why not?
I don't know. I just feel it's better not to.
39 of 69
BERENGER: It might be Mrs Papillon, or Botard, or Jean, or Dudard ringing to say they've had second thoughts.
I don't think so.
40 of 69
BERENGER: Perhaps the authorities have decided to take action at last.
I'd be surprised if it was them.
41 of 69
BERENGER: ...You hear that? Trumpeting! Listen!
(putting the phone to her ear and shocked by the sound quickly hangs up.) (Frightened) What's going on?
42 of 69
BERENGER: They're playing jokes now.
That's not nice of them - in fact it's very nasty. I don't like being made fun of.
43 of 69
BERENGER: They wouldn't dare make fun of you. It's me they're making fun of.
And naturally I come in for it as well because I'm with you. They're taking their revenge. But what have we done to them?
44 of 69
BERENGER: Let's turn on the radio for the news!
Yes, we must find out how things stand! Things are getting really serious! I tell you frankly, I don't like it! (She is trembling)
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BERENGER: Keep calm! Keep calm!
They've taken over the radio stations!
46 of 69
BERENGER: Keep calm! Keep calm!
It's no joke any longer. They mean business!
47 of 69
BERENGER: There's only them left now; nobody but them. Even the authorities have joined them.
Not a soul left anywhere.
48 of 69
BERENGER: Don't be frightened, my dear. We're together - you're happy with me, aren't you? It's enough that I'm with you isn't it? I'll chase your fears away.
Perhaps it's our own fault.
49 of 69
BERENGER: Don't think about it any longer. We musn't start feeling remorse. It's dangerous to start feeling guilty. We must just live our lives, and be happy.
I've got a headache.
50 of 69
BERENGER: I love you, my darling. Don't worry, they'll get over it. It's just a passing phase.
They won't get over it. It's for good.
51 of 69
BERENGER: I love you. I love you madly.
(calmer now) We must be sensible. We must adapt ourselves and try and get on with them.
52 of 69
BERENGER: They can't understand us. Do you understand them?
Not yet. But we must try to understand the way their minds work, and learn their language.
53 of 69
BERENGER: They haven't got a language! you call that a language?
How do you know? You're no polyglot!
54 of 69
BERENGER: Listen, Daisy, there is something we can do. We'll have children, and our children will have children - it'll take time, but together we can regenerate the human race.
I don't want to have children - it's a bore.
55 of 69
BERENGER: How can we save the world, if you don't?
Perhaps it's we who need saving. Perhaps we're the abnormal ones.
56 of 69
BERENGER: You're not yourself, Daisy, you've got a touch of fever.
There aren't any more of our kind about anywhere, are there?
57 of 69
BERENGER: Daisy, you're not to talk like that!
Those are real people. They look happy. They're content to be what they are. They don't look insane. They look very natural. They were right to do what they did.
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BERENGER: We're the ones who are doing right, Daisy, I assure you.
That's very presumptuous of you!
59 of 69
BERENGER: You know perfectly well I'm right.
There's no such thing as absolutely right. It's the word that's right - not you and me.
60 of 69
BERENGER: I don't understand you any longer, Daisy. You don't know what you're sating, darling. Think of our love! Our love...
I feel a bit ashamed of what you call love - this morbid feeling, this male weakness. And female, too. It just doesn't compare with the ardour and the tremendous energy emanating from all these creatures around us.
61 of 69
BERENGER: Energy! You want some energy, do you? I can let you have some energy! (He slaps her)
Oh! I never would have believed it possible...
62 of 69
BERENGER: Oh forgive me, my darling, please forgive me! (He tries to embrace her unsuccessfully) Forgive me, my darling. I didn't mean it. I don't know what came over me, losing control like that.
It's because you've run out of arguments, that's why. (weeps)
63 of 69
BERENGER: You're probably right that I've run out of arguments. You think they're stronger than me, stronger than us. Maybe they are.
Indeed they are. (The rhinoceros noises have become melodious) Listen, they're singing!
64 of 69
BERENGER: They're not singing, they're roaring.
They're singing. And look, they're playing as well, and dancing.
65 of 69
BERENGER: You call that dancing?
It's their way of dancing. They're beautiful.
66 of 69
BERENGER: They're disgusting.
They're like gods.
67 of 69
BERENGER: You go too far, Daisy; take a good look at them.
You musn't be jealous, my dear. (She goes to Berenger and tries to embrace him unsuccessfully)
68 of 69
BERENGER: Then don't you be stupid!
It's no longer possible for us to live together. He isn't very nice, really. He isn't very nice.
69 of 69
Other cards in this set
Card 2
DUDARD: Oh, it's you, Miss Daisy.
Is Berenger here, is he any better?
Card 3
DUDARD: How nice to see you, my dear. Do you often visit Berenger?
Card 4
DUDARD: There.
Card 5
DUDARD: You're a good friend, Miss Daisy.
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