may be due to genetic factors, environmental factors or combination of genetic and environmental factors such as weight
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what are the two types of reproduction?
sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction
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what happens during sexual reproduction?
during sexual reproduction male and female gametes fuse together. This is called fertillisation. the genes carried by the egg and the sperm are mixed together to produce a new individual. this process produces lots of variation.
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what happens during asexual reproduction?
asexual reproduction doesnt produce any genetic variation at all. only one parent is needed, so there is no mixing genes. All offsprings are genetically identical to the parent i.e. clones.
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what can variation only be due to?
environment factors
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how do plants reproduce?
plants can reproduce asexually to produce clones, many plants naturatally reproduce assexually e.g. spider plants, stawberry plants and patato plants.
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explain the process of tissue culture?
small groups of cells are scraped from the plant. The cells are then grown on agar containing nutrients and hormones.
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