Salt Marshes 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyCoastal environmentsASAQA Created by: saritawhitheadCreated on: 19-10-17 12:04 Salt loving plants are called halophytic 1 of 13 What do salt marshes form behind? spits 2 of 13 An area of coastal grassland that is regularly flooded by seawater salt marsh 3 of 13 The tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream estuary 4 of 13 The coastal process where material is dropped at the mouth of the river deposition 5 of 13 A complex network of interactions between organisms and their natural environment ecosystem 6 of 13 Movement of material along the coast longshore drift 7 of 13 End of a river mouth 8 of 13 Another name for a salt marsh tidal marsh 9 of 13 Name for a salty environment saline 10 of 13 process of coastal sediment returning to the visible portion of a beach coastal accretion 11 of 13 what part of the salt marsh is continued from the high water mark- to the neap tide mark low marsh 12 of 13 what comes after the high marsh mark marsh border 13 of 13
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