Saladin (1138-1193)

When did Saladin rule?
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What did he complete?
The Sunni/Ayyubid conquest of Egypt 1169-71
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What did he do following the death of Shirkuh in 1169?
As Vizier of Cairo he built Sunni madrassas, dismissed Shi’a judges and defeated Amalric in 1169.
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Who did he replace?
The Shi’a Caliph al-Adid with a Sunni version in 1171 (Saladin might have murdered al-Adid
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What did he ensure from 1171?
That Sunni prayers were heard
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What provide the opportunity for Saladin to control Syria and capture Jerusalem?
The deaths of Nur ad-Din and King Amalric in 1174
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What did he capture in 1174?
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What did he capture in 1183?
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What deepened his spirituality?
His illness in the winter of 1185-86. After this he became committed to capturing Jerusalem. The succession crisis from 1183+ provided him with the opportunity.
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What is an example of Saladin’s military tactics?
He drew Guy and Reynald into battle at a significant disadvantage to the Franks at Hattin in 1187. He went on to capture a number of Frankish fortifications and Jerusalem in the same year. The Crusaders never recovered.
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What did he struggle to maintain?
Control of Palestine during the years of the Third Crusade (1191-92).
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What battles did he lose?
Acre, Arsuf and Jaffa in 1192.
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What did he have to do after his losses in 1192?
Make significant concessions to Richard the Lionheart under the Truce of Jaffa (1192)
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What was Saldin’s greatest achievement?
Maintains the unity of his Syrian, Kurdish and Egyptian forces in the face of formidable Frankish opposition.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did he complete?


The Sunni/Ayyubid conquest of Egypt 1169-71

Card 3


What did he do following the death of Shirkuh in 1169?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who did he replace?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did he ensure from 1171?


Preview of the front of card 5
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