Sacraments 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristianityLiving the Christian LifeGCSEEdexcel Created by: Miss OsmanCreated on: 15-01-18 16:00 The legal union between a man and woman, infront of God Marriage 1 of 7 When a person chooses to conclude the process of baptism and become full members of the Church Confirmation 2 of 7 Ceremony where a person formally becomes a member of the Church and their sins are washed away Baptism 3 of 7 When a person asks for forgiveness for the wrongs they have done Reconciliation 4 of 7 The sick confesses their sins and prays with the priest. The priest puts his hand on the person to allow God's love to work and to heal them Anointing the sick 5 of 7 Becoming a deacon, priest, or bishop Taking holy orders 6 of 7 Re-enactment of the final meal that Jesus shared with his disciples. Bread and wine represent the body and blood of Jesus Eucharist 7 of 7
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