How many workers went on strike in February 1905 in response to Bloody Sunday?
1 of 28
By the end of 1905 how many people had been on strike in total
2 of 28
What was Stoylpin (from 1906) in terms of government role?
Minister of Interior
3 of 28
Was the battle of Tannenburg a fail?
4 of 28
When were the Russian forces completely driven out of Russian Poland?
End of 1915
5 of 28
This left Nicolas 2nd to decide to be commander-in-chief whilst leaving the Tsarina in control of the Government/administration. Was she unpopular because she was German?
6 of 28
By Feb 1917 who seemed the only threat to the Tsar (although this was soon to change)?
royalists who saw him as too weak and indecisive
7 of 28
What day did the Duma attack the Government over food shortages whilst workers went on strike in Petrograd over food shortages and how many were there?
14th Feb 100,000
8 of 28
What day did the Government worsen the situation by announcing bread rationing?
19th Feb
9 of 28
When did the Tsar abdicate & Russia ceased to be a Monarchy.
March 2nd 1917
10 of 28
Pro-GOVT had little control of countryside (peasants took law into own hands e.g. violence against landowners, stealing land) How complaints of legal land activity were made in June 1917 alone?
11 of 28
Why did Lenin split the Social Democrats into 2?
believed party of professional revolutionaries could cause revolution
12 of 28
When did Lenin arrive in Petrograd?
April 3rd 1917
13 of 28
What didn't Lenin's 90 minute speech a.k.a. The April thesis consist of?
Addressed Karl Marx as the biggest inspiration to the people.
14 of 28
When were the demonstrations that Lenin inspired? (although they were easily dispersed)
21st April 1917
15 of 28
Is it true that on the 4th of July 50,000 armed people surrounded the Tauride Palace but dispersed due to lack of order to occupy it.?
16 of 28
How many members and red guards did the Bolsheviks have after the Kornilov affair?
200,000 members - 10,000 red guards
17 of 28
Who didn't the Bolsheviks have great/majority support from?
Constituent Assembly
18 of 28
When did the Bolsheviks have to seize power before?
13th Nov election
19 of 28
read over the consolidation of power because i am not redoing it bloody quiz wouldn't save.
20 of 28
What happened in the The Russo-Polish War 1920 -1921?
Biggest defeat for Communists of civil War and ENDED ANY ATTEMPT by Lenin to extend to Revolution beyond Russia
21 of 28
When did War Communism end?
22 of 28
True/False: 'NEP = Loosening economic control, tightening political control.'?
23 of 28
When was the USSR created? (Lenin’s solution to creating a multi-national communist state)
1922 29TH December
24 of 28
What was USSR’s main policy making body?
25 of 28
Did Communist propaganda effectively exploited Lenin as the ‘Father of the Nation’?
26 of 28
When was the Cheka dissolved & replaced by GPU/OGPU?
27 of 28
True/False: 'Lenin created the World’s 1st Totalitarian Dictatorship.'?
28 of 28
Other cards in this set
Card 2
By the end of 1905 how many people had been on strike in total
Card 3
What was Stoylpin (from 1906) in terms of government role?
Card 4
Was the battle of Tannenburg a fail?
Card 5
When were the Russian forces completely driven out of Russian Poland?