WW1 was a disaster for Russia. it acted as a catalyst for the overthrow of Romanov dynasty.
The Russian Marxists argued that the war was an inevitable consequence of the world capitalist system spiralling out of control.
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why did Russia enter WW1?
In June 1914, Ferdinand was assassinated from a member of a Serbian nationalist. Russia had an obligation to protect Serbian. Russia mobilised on 30 July in hope of deterring Germany and Austria Hungary from acting.
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the impact of the war
military organisation: Russia lost twice as many troops as the enemy during the early campaigns. casualties included 8 million with 1.7 million dead and 2.4 million captured.
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the impact of the war
the Russian industry was struggling to keep up with demands of the army. this was made worse by communication problems. the tsar leaving the capital n being commander and chief left a political vacuum- the tsarina and Rasputin. the duma wasnt happy about
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the impact of the war
economic: the financial burden of the war was huge. the total cost: 3 billion roubles. borrowed forgein loans and raised taxes. caused inflation because of the higher income of factory workers. prices had risen by 400% by 1917
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the impact of the war
social: 1916 food shortages, those in Petrograd suffered more than others.
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the impact of the war
the war placed huge pressure of the transport systems in Russia, particularly on railways. lines became blocked and engines were stranded. railways stations struggled to handle the vast volumes of freight mainly food.
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Card 2
why did Russia enter WW1?
In June 1914, Ferdinand was assassinated from a member of a Serbian nationalist. Russia had an obligation to protect Serbian. Russia mobilised on 30 July in hope of deterring Germany and Austria Hungary from acting.
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