Russia in Transition 2 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia 1905-1941GCSEWJEC Created by: louiseCreated on: 14-04-13 14:27 Name of the government that Lenin formed Sovnarkom 1 of 9 Secret police set up Cheka 2 of 9 Treaty where Russia lost 62 million people (1/6 of population), 27% of farmland, 26% of railways and 74% of iron ore and coal. Treaty of Brest Litovsk 3 of 9 The two sides in the Civil War Reds and Whites 4 of 9 A policy to ensure workers and red army get enough food, peasants had their grain taken off them War Communism 5 of 9 The economic policy which replaced War Communism NEP 6 of 9 Sailors who staged an uprising in 1921 Kronstadt 7 of 9 What happened on Jan 23rd 1924? Lenin died 8 of 9 Prominent Bolshevik who was appointed as commissar of foreign affairs Leon Trotsky 9 of 9
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