Russia 1853-1924

  • Created by: Ciaran
  • Created on: 21-01-13 17:05
Alexander II Aims
To retain Russia's status as a great power and strengthen Russia domestically
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Emancipation of the Serfs, 1861
Decree, Impact on Serfs and Mir, Long term benefits/failures
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Legal System (court rooms, judges and special cases)
Judges given some independence from the government, legal proceedings conducted in public (jury system introduced), uniform for all classes of society and terrorist/special cases carried under martial law
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Local Government (Zemstva)
Zemstva were local gov. insitutions set up in rural areas and held a number of functions (maintenance of highway, poor relief, public health, primary education and local industry), dominated by the nobility and Tsar could overrule
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Economic Development (Railway, Local Industry etc.)
1862 - budgets were published. 1863 - new indirect system of tax collection introduced, iron and coal industry soared and railway developed from 1600km (1861) to 22000 (1878), underpined Tsar autocracy
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Military (consription, living conditions, efficiency)
Conscription reduced from 25 to 15 years (in practice for 6-7 years) and barbaric corporal punishments were abolished. Improved efficiency of command structure and mobilisation. Officers traiend in special army schools. Little improvement on tactics.
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Education (universities, primary and secondary education)
Universities given more freedom (1863 uni regulations) - more broad cirriculum, access to poorer students, censorship removed and women admitted in 1870s. Primary schools increased fourfold (1861-81), provision of girls ed., ministry of education
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Card 2


Decree, Impact on Serfs and Mir, Long term benefits/failures


Emancipation of the Serfs, 1861

Card 3


Judges given some independence from the government, legal proceedings conducted in public (jury system introduced), uniform for all classes of society and terrorist/special cases carried under martial law


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Card 4


Zemstva were local gov. insitutions set up in rural areas and held a number of functions (maintenance of highway, poor relief, public health, primary education and local industry), dominated by the nobility and Tsar could overrule


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Card 5


1862 - budgets were published. 1863 - new indirect system of tax collection introduced, iron and coal industry soared and railway developed from 1600km (1861) to 22000 (1878), underpined Tsar autocracy


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