Russia: Economy and Society 1929-41 fact quiz 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia 1917-53A2/A-levelAQA Created by: AidanMcC67Created on: 25-04-18 13:22 By 1929 what percentage of of all farms were collectivised? 5% 1 of 24 4% of Russia’s peasantry were kulaks (in 1929) but what percentage of peasant households were destroyed? 15% 2 of 24 On 2nd March 1930, Stalin described the Collectivisation process as being... ‘Dizzy with success’ 3 of 24 100% of all households were collectivised by... 1941 4 of 24 Machine Tractor Stations (MTS) were set up in... 1931 5 of 24 Although there were approx. 2500 MTS set up, how many were there for every 40 farms by 1940? 1 6 of 24 By 1938 what percentage of ploughing was carried out mechanically? 72% 7 of 24 By 1938, 196,000 lorries were being used in agriculture in the USSR but how many in the USA? 1 million 8 of 24 The prison sentence for trying to sell meat or grain before the quotas were filled was... 10 years 9 of 24 What percentage of cattle, pigs and sheep were slaughtered by peasants between 1929-33? 25% 10 of 24 In the early 1930s, grain production fell to... Below pre-war levels 11 of 24 First 5YP saw an increase in electricity by... 600% 12 of 24 Under the second 5YP, when was the Moscow Metro opened? 1935 13 of 24 Under the second 5YP, when was the Dnieper Dam opened? 1932 14 of 24 Under the second 5YP, when did the Volga canal open? 1937 15 of 24 Under the 2nd 5YP rearmament rose from 4% to what by 1937? 17% 16 of 24 Spending on rearmament between 1938-40... Doubled 17 of 24 The Volga canal employed 200,000 prisoners, how many died? 22,000 18 of 24 How many people were employed in Magnitogorsk? 15,000 19 of 24 The Dnieper Dam (1932) project was aided by six engineers from where? USA 20 of 24 How many tonnes did Alexei Stakhanov mine in 5 hours 45 mins in 1935? 102 21 of 24 In what year were wage differentials were introduced to reward those who exceeded targets? 1931 22 of 24 By 1935, what percentage of all industrial workers were women? 42% 23 of 24 The Belamor canal project (1933) employed over 100,000 people, what was the life expectancy? 2 years 24 of 24
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