Russia 1905-1941

  • Created by: lolas15
  • Created on: 27-10-15 09:46
What were the main features of Russian society and Tsarist rule in the early Twentieth century?
1.The Tsar ran as an autocrat 2. He was dependent on the church , nobility + peasants 3.He believed that God appointed him as the Tsar 4. He had absolute authority 5. The tsar also relied on repression to deal with opposition
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Who were the Okhrana ?
The Tsar's secret police who he used to deal with opposition
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Why was there a revolution in 1905?
1. Russia had just lost a war with Japan (1904) a 3rd rate power 2. Conditions in work were dreadful 3.The Tsar never listened to the people 4. High Unemployment and inflation
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What happened in January 1905?
Who: Protest led by Father Gapon Where: To the Tsar's palace(St Petersburg) Why:Ask about improving working conditions and Pay What: They were gunned down by the Tsar's troops (Cossacks)
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What did bloody Sunday spark off ?
Strikes, riots and mutinies
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How did the Tsar survive the 1905 revolution ?
1. His troops remained loyal 2.He published the 'October Manifesto' which promised a Duma 3.He lowered taxes + improved education 4.He made Peter Stolypin chief Minister
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What did Peter Stolypin do as Chief Minister?
1. He punished rebellion brutally 2.He developed Russia's economy (this helped to reduce discontent until the economy took a downturn in 1912)
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Card 2


Who were the Okhrana ?


The Tsar's secret police who he used to deal with opposition

Card 3


Why was there a revolution in 1905?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happened in January 1905?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did bloody Sunday spark off ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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