RS revision 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristianityGCSEEdexcel Created by: missyraepepperCreated on: 29-04-15 18:29 Abortion the legal termination of a pregnancy 1 of 17 contraception a articial method of preventing a pregnancy 2 of 17 fertility treatment medical treatments used to help couples who are unable to conceive naturallly 3 of 17 sanctity of life the idea that all human life to sacred to god 4 of 17 double effect a catholic doctorine which teaches that euthanasia is acceptable as a side effect of treatmeant that is intended to help the patient 5 of 17 omnipotent all powerful 6 of 17 omniscient all loving 7 of 17 omnipresent all knowing 8 of 17 genetic engineering manipulating human genes to create a child with certain characterists 9 of 17 embryology working with embryo and embryonic tissues for medical research purposes 10 of 17 monogamy a commited relationship with one other person 11 of 17 divorce the legal dissolution of a marriage 12 of 17 annulment recognition that the marriage bond never truly existed 13 of 17 chastity purity,having sexual relations only with your marriage partner 14 of 17 promisuous having many different sexual partners in a short space of time 15 of 17 vows promises made before god during the wedding ceremony 16 of 17 sacrament a part of workship at which god himself is present 17 of 17
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