RS revision 2012 fun rs 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesGCSEAll boards Created by: oli owensCreated on: 17-12-12 11:54 what are the names used for the jews Hebrew, Isralite, Jew 1 of 21 what is a covenent a covenent is an agreement between two people 2 of 21 what are the world religions Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam 3 of 21 what does secular mean means non-religious but born into a jewish family 4 of 21 what does Orthodox mean follow the jewish rules very strictly 5 of 21 what does progressive/liberal jew mean reform there religion to fit in with a modern day 6 of 21 what is hebrew hebrew is the jewish language 7 of 21 what is yiddish yiddish is the modern day language spoken by the jews 8 of 21 what is the Synagogue the jewish place of worship 9 of 21 what is the torah books of the law. believed to be the words of god 10 of 21 what is the tenakh the tenakh is the jewish holy scriptures 11 of 21 where do the keep the scroll the ark in the synagogue 12 of 21 what does torah mean means teaching/taught by god to the jewish people 13 of 21 what is a mantle cover which the torah is stored in 14 of 21 what is the guide for the torah the yad 15 of 21 how many books are there in the OT 24 16 of 21 what is the shema first prayer that jewish people learn 17 of 21 where is the shema found inside the teflin which are two small leather boxes 18 of 21 where are the teflin scriptures strapped left arm and forehead 19 of 21 what is the mezuzah placed on every jewish households door 20 of 21 what does the mezuzah contain shema prayer 21 of 21
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