Rs keywords

  • Created by: owen3112
  • Created on: 29-12-14 18:04
a sexual act between a married person and someone other than their marriage partner
1 of 17
civil partnership
A legal partnership signed in a registry to give homosexual couples, marriage and the same rights as heterosexual ones
2 of 17
having sex with lots of people without commitment
3 of 17
religious pluralism
accepting that all religions have a right to exist
4 of 17
an inner feeling of wrongnes
5 of 17
situation ethics
the idea that christians should base moral decisions on what the most loving thing to do
6 of 17
the surroundings in which plants and animals live in which they depend on to live
7 of 17
when your life is changed by giving yourself to god
8 of 17
moral evil
actions done by humans which can cause suffering
9 of 17
numinous experience
feeling something greater than you is present
10 of 17
quality of life
the idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living
11 of 17
sanctity of life
the belief that life is holy and belongs to god
12 of 17
world peace
the ending of all wars throughout the world
13 of 17
due allocation and reward and punishment / maintenance of what is right
14 of 17
punishment should change criminals
15 of 17
being responsible for ones actions
16 of 17
punishments should make criminals pay
17 of 17

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Card 2


A legal partnership signed in a registry to give homosexual couples, marriage and the same rights as heterosexual ones


civil partnership

Card 3


having sex with lots of people without commitment


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Card 4


accepting that all religions have a right to exist


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Card 5


an inner feeling of wrongnes


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