RS Keywords
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- Created by: Jessica
- Created on: 25-03-13 14:51
Making and keeping a promise e.g. wedding vows
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Decision not to have sex before marriage e.g. because it is believed that sex is sacred
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working against each other and not in unity. conflict within marriages can lead to divorce.
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to have a deep affection and express it through words and actions.
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Apologise or say sorry, and become friends again. Many faith communities have reconciliation services.
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Duties you should carry out e.g. for hindu women, one of their responsibilities is to have children
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to have a right or power over others.e.g. authority can be in the form of the law, a priest or sacred texts.
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to treat a person differently because of their race, gender, religion or class. religious believers are against discrimination as everyone is equal and part of a divine creation.
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being treated the same. all people are equal in the eyes of god.
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the personality and character of an individual, each person has their own identity and is unique.
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withholding comeone's human rights, for example, imprisionment without trial.
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when a person is judged without any evidence. all religious traditions agree that people should treat others as they wish to be treated.
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ultimate being, creator and sustainer of the world. OR, Deity, a visible form of the power behind the world.
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something that points to or explains something else. Religions have many symbolic actions and ideas. e.g. christians can commonly be seen wearing the symbol of a crucifix.
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Something shown or explained that was previously hidden. Many religions have revealed truths, and these are important in the faith.
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completely overwhelmed by a sense of God's presence. in many religious traditions experiencing god or his presence is sought through various ways.
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a group of people who all have something in common, e.g. a church community all share their faith, experiencing prayer and worship together.
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the belief that there is some kind of life after the death of the body. Many religions have beliefs in a heaven or a place where souls or spirits go when the body dies.
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making something deliberately, for a purpose. Most religions teach that the world was created by God for a purpose.
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being in charge of the world on behalf of god. some religions teach that god gave humans a responsibility to manage the world on his behalf.
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the natural world all around us: plants, insects, animals and humans. Most religions believe that God created the world and everything in it.
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Caring for other human beings. Many religions teach that it is expected that human beings will care for each other and show kindness to others.
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the part of the human body which lives on after death. some religions teach that there is a spiritual side of life that lives beyond physical death. e.g. for hindus, the atman goes on to be reincarnated.
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to look after and care for the world. Most religions teach that humans have a god given responsibility to look after the world.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Decision not to have sex before marriage e.g. because it is believed that sex is sacred
Card 3
working against each other and not in unity. conflict within marriages can lead to divorce.

Card 4
to have a deep affection and express it through words and actions.

Card 5
Apologise or say sorry, and become friends again. Many faith communities have reconciliation services.

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