R.S - Judaism

  • Created by: Payal
  • Created on: 25-05-13 17:35
How do people celebrate Passover?
Sedar plates with a roasted egg, Matzah - unleavened bread, lamb bone(not eaten), green veg, salt water and bitter herbs.
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How do people celebrate Passover?
The Hagadah is recited(the story of the Jews.). They also leave out a cup of wine and leave the door open for prophet Elijah.
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Why do people celebrate Passover?
To celebrate the freedom of the Jews who got freed from slavery by Moses after the 10 plagues. This was when the first born of all the families in Egypt got killed. The Jews put lambs blood on their doors.
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The Torah
The Jewish holy book. Is treated with respect which is why it is not used without a yad.
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The Torah
It is a scroll. It is kept on a wooden stand with a clothover it and a breast plate. It is belived to be the word of God, it has 613 commandments, 5 books and in hebrew.
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Ner Tamid
The candle representing the eternal light in Jerusalem.
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The Ark
The cupboard which stores the Torah
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Card 2


How do people celebrate Passover?


The Hagadah is recited(the story of the Jews.). They also leave out a cup of wine and leave the door open for prophet Elijah.

Card 3


Why do people celebrate Passover?


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Card 4


The Torah


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Card 5


The Torah


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