RS Defintions 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesDefinitions Year 9 VocabGCSENone Created by: BobbieLotCreated on: 06-05-14 19:25 Empirical Evidence A source of knowledge acquired by means of experiments and observations. 1 of 10 Asthetic concerned/interested with beauty 2 of 10 Ethical Morally correct/ relating to moral principles 3 of 10 Fundamental Of central importance i.e. Sources are fundamental for historians. 4 of 10 Ulimate The best achievable of it's kind 5 of 10 Theism Belief in the existence of a god or gods 6 of 10 Atheist one who disbelieves or denies the existence of god or gods 7 of 10 Agnostic A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of existence or nature of god or of anything beyond material phenomena. 8 of 10 Polytheism the belief on or worship of more than one god. 9 of 10 Humanist pertaining to Renaissance humanism 10 of 10
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