R.S - Christianity 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FunFunNone Created by: DaniaCreated on: 02-05-13 19:55 What does ecumenical mean? One world; the movement to unite all Christians 1 of 7 What is a denomination? A group or branch of a religion 2 of 7 What does prayer mean? To communicate with God (speaking and listening to him) 3 of 7 What are the different reasons a persom might pray to God? To praise him, to thank, ask for forgiveness , ask for yourself, ask for others 4 of 7 Name the days of the holy week in order Palm Sunday, Monday-Wednesday, Maudy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday 5 of 7 Where do christians pray and what is their holy book? Christians pray in churches and the name of their holy book is the bible 6 of 7 name 7 things you might find in a church Any of the following: bell, pews, alter, font, stain glass windows, wine, bread, cushions, bible, cross, crucifix, pulpit, lectern 7 of 7
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