RS - Christianity 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Religious StudiesChristianityASAQA Created by: Sammy BourkeCreated on: 03-01-13 13:54 Meaning Life Situation Sitz Em Leben 1 of 10 The view that Mark wrote first The Marcan Priority 2 of 10 Small units within Mark's gospel Pericopes 3 of 10 How can the gospels be so similar yet so different at the same time Synoptic Problem 4 of 10 Analysing the Bible Biblical Criticism 5 of 10 The return on Jesus Perousia 6 of 10 Companion of Jesus Disciple 7 of 10 Was the first to print off the 1st synopsis in the 1770's Griesbach 8 of 10 Somebody trying to get people to convert to their religion Evangelist 9 of 10 Who wrote what and when Source Criticism 10 of 10
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