r.s 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesASCCEA Created by: Bryony wilsonCreated on: 02-05-13 19:33 Aquinas Influenced by aristotles idea of causation. aposteriori and inductive. 1 of 14 motion and change everything works in some sort of order, we observe movement in the world e.g seasons 2 of 14 causation everything is caused by another thing but there cannot be an infinate regression 3 of 14 contingency everything depends upon another thing to exist, need necessary being 4 of 14 Copleston re-interpretted aquinas' ways 5 of 14 way 1&2 Hiehrachy of causes. God is the most important cause 6 of 14 3rd way the universe is contingient therefore everything in it is contingent. need necessary being 7 of 14 sufficiant reason only god is the complete and universald explanation of the universe 8 of 14 Humes critisms It is based on experience therefore cannot be proven 9 of 14 Universe could be infinate, therefore no need for causes. Even if the was an initial cause it does not need to be J.C God 10 of 14 Fallacy of composition just because things have the same effects does not mean they have the same cause 11 of 14 Russels critisms We cannot know becuase we did not experience the universe 12 of 14 Universe is a brute fact Modern physics suggests everything does not need a cause 13 of 14 Necessary is a meaningless statement you cannot have degress of existence - you exist or you don't. 14 of 14
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