RS A quiz on key words and their meanings 3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Religious StudiesGCSEAll boards Created by: Ellie MeekieCreated on: 29-04-12 12:17 What does Omniscient mean? God is all knowing, he knows what has, is, and will happen 1 of 8 What does Omni-benevolent mean? all loving 2 of 8 What is moral evil? actions done by humans which cause suffering 3 of 8 What is Euthanasia? The painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease 4 of 8 What is Pre-marital sex? Sex before marriage 5 of 8 What is Adultery? A sexual act between a married person and someone other than their marriage partner 6 of 8 Define Multi-ethnic society Many different races and cultures living together in one society 7 of 8 What is not an way how a religious upbringing can your faith? Something which seems to break a law of science and makes you think only God could have done it 8 of 8