RS Unit 3
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- Religious Studies
- BuddhismChristianityCrime and PunishmentLife and deathDrug AbuseRich and Poor in UK
- Created by: elena9078
- Created on: 12-05-17 21:39
Why have laws?
to keep individuals safe, protect society, keep order and prevent chaos, justice, behaviour
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An act against the will of God
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The idea that punishements should try to change criminals so that they will not commit crimes again.
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The idea that punishments will be of such a nature that they will be put off commiting crimes
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The idea that punishments should make criminals pay for what they have done wrong
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Why commit crimes?
Social peer pressure, Environmental poverty, Psychological mental health and Drug Addiction
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What is difference between civil law and criminal law
Civil - private individuals and groups, Criminal - when state law is broken
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Types of crime
Person - murder, ****, assault. Property - burgulary, piracy, shoplifting
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The idea that society should be protected from the criminal and the offences that a criminal commits
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A punishment is harsh to reinforce the importance of the law and uphold it - makes people respect laws
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The offender has to do something to 'payback' the damage done to the victim eg; cleaning graffiti off wall, pay money back
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Buddhist attitudes to justice
Karma affected, retribution goes against teaching of metta, in favour of reparation.
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Christian attitudes to justice
Make sure the weak and vunerable are not oppressed and the strongand powerful take advantage (social justice), reformation and rehabiliation.
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Types of punishment
Capital punishment, imprisonment, fines, community service, probation, electronic tagging
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Way of death pentalty
lethal injection, electric chair, firing squad, gas chamber and beheading
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Reasons for Death Penalty
Deterrent, society free, value of human life clear, ultimate retribution, satisfaction and closure.
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Reasons against Death Penalty
Innocent people wrongfully executed, more likely to kill to avoid capture, human life important, no chance to reform
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Advantages for prison
protect society, cannot commit crimes, reflect on actions, separating them from family
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Disadvantages for prison
Families suffer, reoffenders, harder for offender to get jobs to reform
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What happens if a young offender gets sent down
Secure training centre, Children's homes, Young Offenders Institutes
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What is a drug?
A substance that, when taken, affects the mind &/or body
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Why do people take drugs ?
Curiosity, rebellion, emotional escape, desperation, peer pressure
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Religious attitudes to drugs
6 main religions dont permit the use of illegal drugs, Only Rastafarians and Ethiopian Coptic - God provided a natural herb (cannabis)
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Christians views on drugs
Against illegal drugs and abuse of legal/ prescribed drugs. Any deliberate damage to God's creation is an insult to God and a sin
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Buddhists views on drugs
Fifth precept prohibits the use of any intoxicating substance that can harm the mind
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What is a right ?
A moral or legal entitlement to have or do something. We have a right to drugs prescribed by a doctor to cure an illness
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What is a responsibility ?
The state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something. Responsibility to ensure that these drugs don't fall into wrong hands.
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Drugs and law
Nictonie and Alcohol - restricted to +18, Prescribed drugs are legal, Over counter drugs legal, Cocaine, ecstasy and LSD illegal
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What is legal punishment for Class A drugs ?
Maxium 7 years in prison for possession, maxium life in prison for supply e.g; Heroin or Cocaine
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What is legal punishment for Class B drugs ?
Maxium 5 years in prison for possession, maxium 14 years for supply e.g; Cannabis or Amphetamines
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What is the legal punishment for Class C drugs ?
Maxium 2 years in prison for possession without a prescription. Maxium 14 years in prison for supply e.g; Anabolic steroids or Diazepam
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Cannabis was graded class B under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. It has more effects than alcohol and nicotine, so it got changed to class C in 2004
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The effects of cannabis
Leads to mental health problems, 1000 people develop long term psychotic illness, 150000 people claiming to disability living allowance due to cannabis' effects.
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For the legalisation of Cannabis
Massive boost in government funds, 2million people take it anyway, bannning it only leads to people doing it dangerously, only psychologically addictive, can be used for medical purposes.
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Against the legalisation of Cannabis
'slippery slope' - gateway to legalisation of heroin or cocaine, messes up prison system, misleading to think that its okay, causes major psychological problems.
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Christians view to the damage that drugs do
body is a gift from God, body is sacred, holy and pure, alcohol condemed and condoned.
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Buddism view to the damage that drugs do
bad karma, hindrance in the development of an enlightened mind
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Compulsive psychological need for a habit- forming substance
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Reasons to help addicts
Could damage themselves, beat the addiction, they are ill - they require medical treatment
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Reasons not to help addicts
Self- inflicted, help ourselves, there are support services, deserve punishments, drugs are a misuse of freewill
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Buddhism and addiction to drugs
Right awareness and other effects related to 8-fold path, Human life is valuable so it should be maintained
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Treatment or treatments designed to facilitate the process of recovery from injury, illness, or disease to as normal a condition as possible
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What is death ?
Was when the heart stops, now its brain death; checking there is no eye movement, the pupils are fixed and dilated, no sign of breathing
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Only Roman Catholics believe in Purgatory. (A middle place between Heaven and Hell) Where you pay for your sins and when you have done this you enter Heaven.
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Buddhist - rebirth
Karma- our past actions affect us, either postively or negatively, our present actions affect us in the future. Rebirth - reborn based on actions we perform in our lives.
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Sterrotypes of the elderly
Useless, Wise, uncapable, smely, vulnerable, frahile, dull, grateful, boring
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Problems faced by the elderly
Reliance on pension, illness, expectation to retire, less mobile, loneliness, Ageism
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Options for the elderly
Living at home, Living with family, community options
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Buddhist attitudes to elderly
Respected for their wisdom and experience, care organisations help care for elderly, children of elderly have responsibility to look after them. Princple of Anicca, result in good karma
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Christians attitudes to elderly
Respected because vunerable, allow elderly to have their independence, churches provide facilities of having coomunion at home. To have compassionate love for all mankind
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Hippocratic oath
'i will prescribe for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgement and never do harm to anyone'
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General Medical Council
'Listen to patients and respond to their concerns and preferences... Respect patients' right to reach decisions'
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Inducing a painless death, by agreement and with compassion, to ease suffering. From the Greek meaning 'good death'
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Voluntary euthanasia
The person asks a doctor to end their life
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Non- voluntary euthanasia
the person is too ill to ask but it is believed to be in their best interests
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Involuntary euthanasia
as happened in Nazi Germany, disable and sick people werre killed without consulation
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Active voluntary euthanasia
A consents to B's actively bringing about their death
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Passive voluntary euthanasia
A consent to B's withdrawing treatment that preserves A's life
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Active Non- voluntary euthanasia
B actively brings about A's death. A is not in a position to communicate consent
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Passive Non- voluntary euthanasia
B withdraws life- preserving treatment from A when A is not in a position to consent
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Active Involuntary euthanasia
B actively brings about A's death against A's communicated will
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Passive Invountary euthanasia
B withdraw life preserving treatment from A against A's communicated will
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Passive euthanasia
Occurs when the patient dies because the medical professional either dont do something necessary to keep the patient alive
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Active euthanasia
Occurs when medical professonals, or another person, deliberately do something that causes the patient to die
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Euthanasia and the Law
Active - illegal, Passive - not necessary illegal, Withdrawing treatment is legal, Assisting suicide is criminal offence
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Buddhist perspectives on Euthanasia
Euthanasia is wrong and creates negative Karma because it breaks the 1st precept, suffering is part of life, intention is merciful though
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Christianity perspectives on Euthanasia
Usually disagree with Euthanasia because of their belief in SoL, preferring to trust Gods mercy, would God want people to suffer
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Religious and moral teachings
Compassion, Qualty of life, Sanctity of life, The idea of causing no harm to any living thing, Using God - given talents and skills to save a life
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Can religion help the dying and bereaved ?
Christianity - belief of afterlife in Heaven with God, Buddhists - gain comfort from the promise of rebirth
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What do we mean by rich ?
To have acquired or inherited wealth, more money than necessities, afford luxuries, live comfortably with no financial worries
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What do we mean by poor?
Struggle to afford food and basic necessities, May be in debt or struggling to pay for the home
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How can someone become rich
Inheritance, Gifts, Lottery, Inventions, Talent, Working Hard, Saving
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Why are some people poor?
Unemployment, Low wages, Wasteful spending patterns, debt
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What is the 'poverty trap'
Not being able to break out of poverty, living in socially deprived areas without aspiration
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Types of benefits
Unemployment, invalidity, child, tax credits, old age pension
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The Buddha
The Buddha lived a wealthy lifestyle but he left that for a poorer one, he thought wealthiness leads to greed and selfishness
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Buddhism and Wealth
Teach to earn wealth honestly, forbid any form of gambling, poverty because of bad karma, money shouldnt be wasted on luxuries
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Christianity and wealth
Bible teaches us that all living belong to God
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Charities and Religious organisations
Offer support to the poor, NSPCC. Charities such as Salvation army is run by religious organisation, involvement is calling from God,
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The Lottery
November 19th 1994 started, every £1spent, 28p given to good causes, 16.67% Art, heritage, sport and 50% health and education
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What causes someone to play lottery ?
Addiction, Greed, desperation, enjoyment, donation to charity, success, propaganda
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What is good about the lottery?
Financial gain for individual, charities benefit from funding, Over 21 billion has been disrupted to good causes, gives hope
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What is bad about the lottery ?
encourages greed, winning depends on chance not hard work, 'unsuitable' people might win
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Religious attitudes to lottery
All main religions forbid gambling, money for necessities, 'good causes' funds have been used by some Christian charities
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Christianity views on lottery
Some Christians are against all forms of gambling, should dedicate your time to your religion
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Buddhists views on lottery
follow middle way between indulgence and self denial, attachment to wealth does not bring happiness, wealth should be shared, craving wealth is obstacle, Monks depends on charity
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
An act against the will of God
Card 3
Card 4
Card 5
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