RS terminology 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesPhilosophyASAQA Created by: GabriellaHancockCreated on: 12-12-18 14:52 EMPIRICISM view that knowledge of the world is based on sense experience. 1 of 28 RATIONALISM the view that knowledge of the world is based on reason alone. 2 of 28 APRIORI based on reason and logic. 3 of 28 APOSTIRIORI based on experience and observation. 4 of 28 FAITH Having trust, belief in something or someone. 5 of 28 REASON Part of the human mind that uses logic. 6 of 28 ONTOLOGICAL relating to the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being. 7 of 28 DEDUCTIVE the premises lead to a logical conclusion. 8 of 28 INDUCTIVE makes broad generalisations. conclusion can be false even though premises are true. 9 of 28 NECESSARY EXISTENCE refers to the eternal and transcendent nature of God. 10 of 28 TRANSCENDANT beyond or above the range of normal or physical human experience. 11 of 28 FIDEISM An idea that religious beliefs cannot be justified by rational means, only through faith. 12 of 28 THEODICY An attempt to justify God. 13 of 28 NATURAL EVIL evil that occurs naturally, such as tsunamis. 14 of 28 MORAL EVIL man-made evil, such as school shootings. 15 of 28 CORPOREAL (VISION) Comes through the physical sense of sight. relating to person's body. 16 of 28 IMAGANITIVE (VISION) A vision seen in mind (minds eye). usually seen through dream experience. 17 of 28 INTELLECTUAL (VISION) A vision without any visual image, where the experience is an illumination of the soul. 18 of 28 REVELATION Is devine, self-discloser. God makes himself known. 19 of 28 THEISTIC God is the source and content of the experience. 20 of 28 MONISTIC inner being/consciousness is experienced. 21 of 28 NORMATIVE ETHICS what is right? what is wrong? and how do we know this? 22 of 28 DESCRIPTIVE ETHICS a form of anthropology that compares different ethical beliefs without making value judgements. 23 of 28 META-ETHICS A 20th century approach that explores meaning of ethical language such as 'good', 'bad', 'right', 'wrong'. 24 of 28 LEGALISTIC laws and rules for every situation. 25 of 28 AGAPE (love) self-sacrificing love, putting others first, focuses on example of Jesus. 26 of 28 DEONTOLOGICAL Theories according to which act new intrinsically right or wrong. Concerned with the action. 27 of 28 TELEOLOGICAL Something is good if it achieves a good outcome, and action is bad if it achieves a bad outcome. Concerned with outcomes. 28 of 28
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