RS Quiz Crime and Punishment 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesCrime and PunishmentGCSEAQA Created by: MathsManiaCreated on: 18-06-19 19:15 What does RETRIBUTION mean? an aim of punishment seeking to get revenge for the victim 1 of 6 Define REFORMATION? an aim of punishment that seeks to help reform/help the offender become a better person 2 of 6 Define DETERRENCE? an AIM of punishment seeking to put other people off from committing the same crime 3 of 6 What is a HATE CRIME? a crime that is committed because someone feels hatred towards another person 4 of 6 Opposition to an unjust law when the crime is committed as the law is unfair 5 of 6 Why is crime committed due to ADDICTION? when the crime is committed as the offender is addicted to drugs/alcohol 6 of 6
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