RS Islam key deffinitions 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesIslamIGCSEAQA Created by: Charlotte WatfordCreated on: 19-02-20 13:15 Abultion/wudu washing before prayer 1 of 15 Adalat justice 2 of 15 Akhirah life after death 3 of 15 beneficience doing good 4 of 15 sawm fasting 5 of 15 Tawhid oneness of allah 6 of 15 the five roots of usaladin are.... tawhid,adalat,prophethood,immamte,resurrection 7 of 15 greater jihad personal stuggle of every muslim to live by the teachings of their faith 8 of 15 the imamate leadership 9 of 15 jihad to struggle 10 of 15 khums giving of alms/zakat 11 of 15 lesser jihad military struggle to deffend islam 12 of 15 Psalms holy books 13 of 15 salah prayer 14 of 15 shahadah muslim declaration of faith 15 of 15
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