RS Christianity key deffenitions 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudieschristianityIGCSEAQA Created by: Charlotte WatfordCreated on: 19-02-20 13:05 Atonement making amends or payment for wrong 1 of 15 Evangelism preeching the gospel/words of god 2 of 15 Iona A place of pilgrimage on an Island off the coast of west scotland 3 of 15 Liturgical worship a church service which follows a set structure 4 of 15 Omnipotent god is all powerful 5 of 15 mission sent out to spread to word of the gospels 6 of 15 original sin the belief humans are born with sin from when adam and eve ate fruit from the forbidden tree in the garden of eden 7 of 15 salvation being saved 8 of 15 reconciliation making up and re building relationships 9 of 15 word the son of god 10 of 15 sacrament the outward sign of an inward religious experience 11 of 15 examples of sacraments are ..... baptism,confirmation,holy communion,marriage 12 of 15 the tearfund charity aims too.... help poverty and vulnerable areas 13 of 15 CAFOD aims too increase acsess to clean water 14 of 15 Christian aid aims to...... encourage sustainable development 15 of 15
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