RS – Christian ethics keywords
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- Created by: 11jc01
- Created on: 10-04-16 14:14
Active euthanasia
When action is taken to bring life to an end; for example, a lethal dose of drugs might be given.
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The love of God. New Testament word used for: (I) the common meal of Christians; the love feast and (II) unconditional love
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Anglican church
Churches which are in full communion with the See of Canterbury (authority of the Archbishop of Canterbury). The origins and traditions are linked to the Church of England, and are part of the Anglican communion.
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A political system in South Africa from 1948 1994 that separated the different people living there and gave privileges to those of European origin
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The 12 followers of Jesus Christ whom he sent out to preach the gospel.
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Baptist Church
A Christian denomination which came into existence in the 17th century. The practices Believer's Baptism
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Members of the Baptist Church
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Church of England
The state church of England and part of the Anglican church
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A policy in which country rules other nations and developed trade for its own benefit
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Conscientious objector
Somebody who, for moral or religious reasons, believes it is wrong to wage war and therefore refuses to join any branch of the armed services
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The prevention of pregnancy using artificial methods such as condoms and contraceptive pills or natural methods such as avoiding sex during the woman is known fertile periods
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Eastern Orthodox Church
Consists of national churches (mainly Greek or Slav), including the ancient Eastern patriarchates . They hold the current orthodox faith, and are in communion with the Patriarchate of Constantinople
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Sexual love
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Thanksgiving. A service celebrating of sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, using elements of bread and wine
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Involuntary euthanasia
When on the people decide that it would be for the best if persons life ends, because he or she is not able to make that decision independently as they are, for example, in a coma
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Jubilee 2000
An international coalition movement in over 40 countries that called for cancellation of the debt of developing countries by the year 2000
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Just war
The theory that is a war is just, or right, only if it matches certain conditions
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Marriage care
Formerly the catholic marriage advisory Council
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Methodist Church
Christian denomination which came into existence through the work of John Wesley in the 18th century
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New Testament
Collection of 27 books forming the second section of the Canon of Christian Scriptures
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Protestant Christian bodies which became separated from the established church of England in the 17th century
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Old Testament
That part of the Canon of Christian Scriptures which the Church shares of Judaism, comprising 39 books covering the Hebrew Canon, and in the case of certain denominations, some books of the Apocrypha
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People who believe that it is never right to retaliate all to use violence, even when other people are aggressive
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Passive euthanasia
When a decision is made to stop giving further treatment to someone, even though death will be the result
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A system or society or government in which men are the most powerful members
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Brotherly love
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Procured abortion
Deliberate expulsion of the foetus from the womb
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The part of the church which became distinct from the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches when the members professed the centrality of the Bible and other beliefs.
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Prejudiced or animosity against people who belong to other races
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An organisation which provides education and counselling to people who are in relationships
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Religious society of friends
(Quakers) A Christian denominations established through the work of George Fox in the 17th century
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Roman Catholic Church
That part of the church having loyalty to the Bishop of Rome, as distinct as orthodox and Protestant churches
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An outward sign of an inward blessing, as in baptism or the Eucharist
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Salvation army
A Christian denomination founded by William and Catherine Booth in the 19th century
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Discrimination against women or men because of their sex
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Slave trade
The selling of Africans are slaves, mostly by Europeans practised until the 19th century
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Family love and loyalty
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Three persons in one God; the doctrine of the threefold nature of God – father, son and Holy Spirit
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United reformed Church
The church formed by the union of English Congregationalists with the Presbyterian church of England, and subsequently reformed dissociation of the churches of Christ
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Voluntary euthanasia
When someone chooses to ask for the end of his or her own life, but is incapable of committing suicide without help
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The love of God. New Testament word used for: (I) the common meal of Christians; the love feast and (II) unconditional love
Card 3
Churches which are in full communion with the See of Canterbury (authority of the Archbishop of Canterbury). The origins and traditions are linked to the Church of England, and are part of the Anglican communion.

Card 4
A political system in South Africa from 1948 1994 that separated the different people living there and gave privileges to those of European origin

Card 5
The 12 followers of Jesus Christ whom he sent out to preach the gospel.

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