rs 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristianityGCSEAQA Created by: ExamQueen434Created on: 16-06-22 20:21 Agape self-sacrificing love 1 of 33 Apostle's Creed a statement of Christian belief from the early Church 2 of 33 Ascension Jesus being taken up to heaven on the 40th day after Easter 3 of 33 Atonement the act of making amends for wrong doing 4 of 33 Benevolent totally loving 5 of 33 Church of England the Protestant Church set up by Henry VIII, rejecting the Catholic Church 6 of 33 Crucifixion capital punishment used by the Romans which nails a person to a cross to die 7 of 33 Denomination the name for different branches of the Christian Church 8 of 33 Fundamentalist Christians who take the Bible literally, i.e. word-for-word true 9 of 33 Genesis the first book of the Bible, which describes how the world was created, and the story of Adam and Eve 10 of 33 Grace unconditional love that God shows to people who do not deserve it 11 of 33 Heaven being with God outside time and space 12 of 33 Hell eternal separation from God 13 of 33 Incarnation God in human form 14 of 33 Judgment Day the end of time, when everyone will be judged by Jesus on their actions 15 of 33 Just 'God is just' means he treats everyone fairly 16 of 33 Lord's prayer the prayer Jesus taught his disciples to show them how to pray 17 of 33 Messiah Jesus, who is seen as our saviour by Christians 18 of 33 Omnipotent the idea that God is all-powerful 19 of 33 Omniscient the idea that God is all-knowing 20 of 33 Oneness of God the idea that God is one person, not several different people 21 of 33 Original sin Adam and Eve disobeying God by eating from the tree of good and evil 22 of 33 Physical resurrection the belief Jesus came back with a physical body 23 of 33 Purgatory Catholics believe souls are cleansed of sin here, before going to heaven 24 of 33 Reconciliation the process of making people in conflict friendly again 25 of 33 Resurrection Jesus' return to life three days after he died 26 of 33 Roman Catholic the largest Christian group, based in Rome with the Pope as leader 27 of 33 Salvation the saving of the soul from sin 28 of 33 Sanhedrin the Jewish council who accused Jesus of blasphemy (insulting God) 29 of 33 Sin disobeying God 30 of 33 Spiritual resurrection the belief that Jesus came back with a spiritual body 31 of 33 The problem of evil if God is omnipotent and benevolent, why does he allow suffering to happen? 32 of 33 trinity the belief in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit 33 of 33
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