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- Created by: florrie
- Created on: 18-05-19 10:09
Two Catholics teachings on the sexual love
1) a marriage is consummated in the physical union of sex (marital) 2)Sexual love expresses and deepens the couple's love for each other (unitive)
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Two Teachings from Pope John Paul
1) The full meaning of the body and the person can only be appreciated when there is a deep relationship with a member of the opposite sex 2) extramarital sex and contraception damages the significance and role of sex
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Two Wedding Vows
1) "Till death do us part" 2) "for richer for poorer, in sickness and heath"
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Two conditions of a valid marriage
1) The two people must be getting married of their own free will 2) The two people must not be closely related
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Two facts about the nature of marriage
1) It is the sign of the love of Christ for the Church 2) It is a sacrament and a sign of God's love and blessing on and through the couple
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Two reasons for an annulment
1) One person has had continued affairs therefore this person was not taking the exclusive nature of marriage seriously 2)The couple was forced to get married and therefore had no free will
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Two Catholic teachings on the family
1) Family has to share in the life and mission of the Church 2) Family is a miniature church and therefore has to form a community
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Two Catholic teachings on gender discrimination
1) Discrimination can do great damage as it can prevent people from developing their God-given talents. 2) Believes that women should be entitled to fulfil their primary role in society as mothers but should support those who want to work as well..
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Two contrasting beliefs about annulment
1) Catholics say anyone who is granted an annulment is free to marry again in the Church 2) Howver many people believe that divorce is acceptable and people can get married again if they have been divorced whereas Catholics only allow annulled.
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Two reasons why the Catholic Church sees men and women as equal
1) In Genesis 1:27 both man and woman were made in Gods image and likeness. 2) Church stresses that women and men have different yet complementary roles to perform and these differences are to respected but does not mean men are better than women
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Two contrasting beliefs about cohabitation
1) Catholic Church says it breaks the sanctity of marriage and the sexual union as it removes any sense of commitment from the sexual union 2) people live together for financial reasons or want to test the relationship, it is a natural step nowadays
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Two teachings on natural family planning
1) Natural family does not prevent the work of God but makes use of God's gift of the woman's monthly cycle 2) The husband and wife must be aware of their family situation and take appropriate actions so they can provide for and care for kids
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Two reasons why family is important to Catholics
1) family si the best environment in which to bring up children, who are visible signs of the love between parents. 2) CC believe parents are the first and most important teachers of their children
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Two Catholic beliefs about families with single or same sex parents
1) Same sex parents means they cannot be procreative and therefore many values cannot be expressed in their family 2) Single parents cannot give the child all it needs and men and women provide different roles in the family.
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Two ways in which the bible shows men and women are equally important
1) 1:27 God made both genders equal and in his image 2) Paul's teaching in Galatians 3:28 says that all of us are "one in Christ Jesus"
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Two reasons why the Catholic Church disagrees with cohabitation
1) No expressed commitment, might not put the effort to ensure the relationship lasts, destroys sense of faithfulness 2) Breaks the sanctity of marriage and the sexual union
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Two ways consent in marriage is important to Catholics
1) Marriage is a gift from God (sacrament) and therefore should be taken seriously. 2) In marriage two becom
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Two ways consent in marriage is important to Catholics quote
"The consent that binds the spouses to each other finds its fulfilment in the two 'becoming one flesh'" COFCC
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Two ways the nature of marriage is important to Catholics
1) it is a sacrament and therefore everyday they show their love of Christ . 2) A marriage is an exclusive union of two people but is shown to the public through vows.
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Two ways the nature of marriage is important to Catholics quote
"for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness an din health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part"
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Two ways the purpose of sex is important to Catholics
1) sexual love expresses and deepens the couple's love for each other as this is where a couple comes closest to each other. 2) The commitment made in the marriage promises is then consummated in the physical union of sex
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Two ways the purpose of sex is important to Catholics quote
"and the two shall become one flesh" Mark 10:24
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Two ways not having sex before marriage is important to Catholics
1) sex is the total commitment of a man and woman and should be an exclusive act as it joins the couple in a lasting bond 2) If both have preserved the gift of virginity they can offer it each other in marriage so they both feel special, privileged
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Two ways not having sex before marriage is important to Catholics quote
"Because love is so great, so sacred, and so unique" YOUCAT
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Two ways divorce is not agreed with by Catholics
1) Couple said "till death do us part" in front of God and witnesses these cannot be broken 2) God made man and woman to be united as one and no human has the ability to break this bond
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Two ways divorce is not agreed with by Catholics quote
"Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her" MARK 1O
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Two ways the marriage promises are important to Catholics
1) These promises takes place in public which means both husband and wife are ready to declare their love and therefore they both know it is genuine. 2)The promises accept that marriage is a leap into the unknown, they both say they will accept these
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Two ways the marriage promises are important to Catholics quote
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health"
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Two ways the family are important to Catholics
1) Family forms a community and it is a place of education so kids are taught how to live according to Christian principles 2) Family support the life and personal development of each individual so its important they create a secure environment
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Two ways the family are important to Catholics quote
"The Christian the first community called to announce the Gospel to the human person" Familiaris Consortio 1
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Two ways the roles within the family are important to Catholics
1) Family life is lived in the love of Christ. What people do for each other, they also do for Christ. 2) Children should obey their parents, as this is God's command, this obedience is a way for children to honour their parents.
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Two ways the roles within the family are important to Catholics
"Jesus was a child who received love and affection from his parents and was brought up by them"
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Two ways women in the bible are important to Catholics
1) New testament, importance + dignity is symbolised in Mary as she is the perfect disciple as she shows that all need be open to the will of God. 2) Mary of Magdala was given the task of announcing the resurrection to Jesus' male followers in John20
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Two ways women in the bible are important to Catholics quote
"Here I am, the servant of the Lord" Luke 1:38
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Two ways equality are important to Catholics
1) God made everyone in his image and therefore gave them equal dignity so everyone should be respected. 2) Both male and female are equal but have different roles to play and therefore cannot be mimicked by the other gender
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Two ways equality are important to Catholics quote
"God endowed men and women with identical dignity as persons" YOUCAT
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Two Teachings from Pope John Paul
1) The full meaning of the body and the person can only be appreciated when there is a deep relationship with a member of the opposite sex 2) extramarital sex and contraception damages the significance and role of sex
Card 3
Two Wedding Vows

Card 4
Two conditions of a valid marriage

Card 5
Two facts about the nature of marriage

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