the holy writings of a religion that are believed to be inspired by God
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someone who believes the bible is a factual record that describes events exactky as they happened: they believe that the Bible is divinely inspired and without eror
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the church
the holy people of God, also called the body of christ, among whom christ is present and active
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a church
a building in which Christians worship
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the place of sacrifice where the offering of the mass is made to god
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stations of the cross
a series of 14 image that remind catholics of jesus' final journey
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the small communion breads that are given out ay communion
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the point in the Mass when the bread and wine are blessed and become the body and blood of christ
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the reading stand from which the Bible reading are given and the word of God is proclamined
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a representation of Jesus on the cross on which he dies
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the place in the church where the consecrated hosts are kept
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distinct groups within the Christian faith, with their own organisation and traditions
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last supper
the finial meal that Jesus ate with his disciples before he died; it is the basis of Holy Communion
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executed by being fixed to a cross
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freedom from sin, and from the eternal separation fromGod that is brought about by sin
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make amends for something that has gone wrong
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for Christians, the voice of God in the heart and soul of a person
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a system of ethics about what is right and wrong
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the event 40 days after the resurrection, when jesus returned to god the Father in heaven
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jesus rising from the dead after dying on the cross
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Card 2
someone who believes the bible is a factual record that describes events exactky as they happened: they believe that the Bible is divinely inspired and without eror
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