Royal Prerogative 0.0 / 5 ? Lawpublic lawUniversityNone Created by: lclif97Created on: 15-12-16 12:15 247386195 Across 1. Ministers are ... for their use of prerogative powers to Parliament. (11) 5. Sometimes, for the prerogative to be meaningful, it needs to be ... by Parliament. (8) 8. who gives the definition of the prerogative. Hint: every act which the executive government can lawfully do without the authority of an Act of Parliament (5) 9. No new prerogatives may be created. This is the ... of the prerogative. (11) Down 2. Name the other prerogative of the executive .... affairs. (8) 3. Prerogatives powers may be reviewed through the process of what? (8, 6) 4. Example of prerogative powers include the ..... prerogatives of the monarch. (8) 6. There are some limitations of prerogative powers. For example, this type may expliticly restrict a power. What limitation is it? (8) 7. Prerogatives of the executive includes two types of affairs. Name one (7)
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