Romeo and Juliet characters 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureRomeo and JulietGCSEAll boards Created by: JodieCreated on: 24-10-17 09:39 Cousin of Juliet who is killed in act 3 Tybalt 1 of 10 the plays heroine Juliet 2 of 10 The Male Protagonist Romeo 3 of 10 Romeo's cousin Benvolio 4 of 10 Servent who told romeo Juliet was dead Belthasar 5 of 10 The speaker of 'the prologue' The Chorus 6 of 10 Who married Romeo and Juliet? Friar Lawence 7 of 10 The count that the Capulet's want Juliet to marry Paris 8 of 10 The person closest to Juliet The nurse 9 of 10 Romeo's best friend Mercutio 10 of 10
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