alexandria was the centre of medical knowlage. it contained over 700,000 books in the library, keen medical students traveled here to learn more and dissect human bodies.
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were the romans different from the greeks?
when the romans took over greece, many prisoners were greek doctors. later on greek doctors came to rome for a better living.
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did the romans still believe in god?
yes the greeks still relied on the gods to save them from ilnesses. asking help from the gods would be first not a last resort.
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were there doctors?
doctors were employed in cities to give free treatment to the poor. medical students traveled to rome to become apprentices to experienced doctors. watching then copying their methods.
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did the romans have treatments for illness?
like the greeks the romans used the same methods of treatment. exercise, diet, and herbal remedies known as opposites, these applied to the theory of the 4 humours.
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who was galen?
galen was born in AD129 in greece. he began studying medical knowledge at the age of 16. he then gained practical knowledge as he worked as a surgon in a gladiator school
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what were galens ideas and methods? (observation)
observation. galen stressed the importance of Hippocrates methods, he told his students to observe, record and use past experience to decide how to treat an illness
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what were Galens ideas and methods? (opposites)
galen agreed with the theory of the 4 humors as well as that treatments should restore the balance. galen aplied his own theory of opposits to balance the humors, e.g if it was phlegm (which came from the cold) galen advised to take something hot.
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what were Galens ideas and methods? (dissection)
galen disected bodies at alexandria and stressed to his pupils to dissect bodies at any opportunity. however in rome he had to make do with animals so often his work was wrong. he proved that the brain controlled speech and veins carried blood.
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what were Galens ideas and methods? (books)
galen wrote 60 books they combined greek and roman ideas as well as his own.
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what were Galens ideas and methods? (design)
galen may have proved theories scientifically, but galen showed his students how the body worked "to perfectly" as things in the body must have been designed by a creator. galen still belived in gods.
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what was the romans big idea?
public health. the romans practical skills produced the best public health schemes yet. they did much to protect people from disease. e.g aqueducts supplying fresh water, latrines, baths, sewers and public fountains.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
were the romans different from the greeks?
when the romans took over greece, many prisoners were greek doctors. later on greek doctors came to rome for a better living.
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